The history of it all

Posted by: Letizia,

I've often wondered where the real luxury fashion capital of the world is. Some say Milan, some say Paris. New York makes its assertions and London a significant contribution. In a globalized world it can be quite difficult to pinpoint the exact capital as through the ages, different civilizations have made an impact but in general, the European nations pass the baton back and forth.

My research takes the origins of luxury back to the times of the biblical King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. The Egyptian civilizations enjoyed the opulence of accessories dripping in gold, particularly in the upper Pharoah classes. Greek civilization followed the lead of the Egyptian purveyors and made the distinction between men's and women's fashion. By 800BC the Etruscian empire which was conquered by the Roman empire had a taste for luxury which was flaunted by the aristocratic women of that time (this was the precursor to today's bling approach to fashion. The Byzantine era ushered in the fashonista empress Theodora who's style was imitated by her loyal subjects.

The renaissance in Italy during the 15th and 16th century changed the face of fashion and Italy's textile industry boomed, helping solidify Italy as the fashion and lifestyle authority. This era was followed by the Baroque period which saw the rise of France as a fashion capital, largely due to Louis the Great's fine tastes and support of luxury, fashion and refined lifestyle which was emulated throughout the continent.

The invention of Haute Couture in Paris by Englishman Charles Frederick worth ushered in New luxury which was championed by the likes of Chanel and Dior. The second world war served to stifle Paris due to the German occupancy which restricted trade and allowed for the emergence of the American designers and the American's appreciation of Italian accessories, so again Italy was revived as a fashion hub.

In my humble opinion, I lean towards Milan as being the fashion capital simply because of it's ability to revive itself through different ages, as well as the heritage and workmanship that has been guarded throughout the centuries as well as the well established manufacturing industry. LONGEVITY is key.