London College of Fashion comes to UAE

Posted by: Letizia,

Just what the doctor ordered!
I was in a state of turmoil - utter boredom with the daily humdrum and desperate to get a glimpse into the world of luxury brand management, then lo and behold, I stumble into an article stating that LCF is offering short courses in Dubai (costing an arm and a leg ofcourse - otherwise it just wouldn't be Dubai)!

So I sacrificed my left arm to pay for the course and lost my right arm to intense sketching for a whole morning when Dr Pascal Portanier instructed us to come up with 10 product designs!

WHAAAAAAT? when was the last time I drew anything recognizable??? the answer would be never! But I knuckled down with the enthusiasm of a hopeful novice. And hey! things started to fall into place - from basic shapes to something that actually showed a creative knack and met the approval of the venerable professor!
