Posted by: Letizia,

In the beginning, man was created. He wandered around happily without the trappings of modern life that we find essential today. Take yourself back to the dawn of mankind...what kind of person would you have been? Were you the Eve that was happy to prance around in a cowskin from last night's supper,or are you the Eve that insisted on wearing a bespoke loin cloth made from the finest and most rare animal skin. The realm of luxury is not for the ambivalent consumer. Knowing exactly what your tastes are, will influence where, when and how you purchase your luxury goods. In the 2 years that I have lived in Dubai, I've experienced luxury in all forms, from the obscenely extravagant (more often than not)to the demure sophistication of a truly luxurious experience. I have journeyed from wanting every product or service that touted "luxury" in its advertising to seeking the definition of luxury as it pertains to the individual.

So first things I grow this blog, I will be defining my personal brand and get a deeper understanding of the luxury world.