
Posted by: Letizia, 0 comments

First and foremost, Ramadan Kareem to one and all. While most members of the Dubai society are fasting (foodwise), I have decided to give my bank account a break - I'm on a shopping fast.

The only difference is that I don't get to binge at the mall as soon as the sun sets. This is going to run through the entire month of Ramadan. As I type this, my heart is almost seizing but I have to push through and give this a shot. Usually I give something up for Lent, but for some reason, possibly the fact that I'm living in a Muslim country, Lent came and went without me noticing, so instead, I'll make my sacrifice during Ramadan.

What I hope to achieve is an understanding of what motivates my spending behaviour. I want to see if shopping till I drop really is something I need to do, or even want to do. I plan to monitor how magazine advertising affects my impulses and see if window displays in my favourite stores (bloomies oh bloomies)can pull at my heartstrings and inspire a spontaneous purchase.

So we are into Day 3 of my fast, no impulses yet (must have something to do with me watching Precious this morning and not actually leaving my building)

...watch this space...we'll see what inspires outside of the world of consumerism!

Meet the father of couture

Posted by: Letizia, 0 comments

Although luxury fashion as we know it today is usually attributed to Italy and France, we have to recognize the global influence that made the industry what it is today. Coming from the least likely upbringing (a family of solicitors)an Englishman by the name of Charles Frederick Worth migrated to Paris with five pounds and a dream to conquer the world of dressmaking. As laughable as it was at the time for a man to take on a traditionally female role, he took the ridicule in his stride and introduced fashion mainstays such as models, personal shopping, seasonal collections, celebrity endorsement and haute couture.

To dream such a big dream and make such an impact on the world of fashion meant uprooting himself from his impoverished menial background (his father abandoned the family after losing his wealth due to gambling)and moving to France without any knowledge of French, let alone an education to speak of. He immersed himself into the world of art where he noticed the evolution of fashion in the paintings and fashion magazines. Strategic partnerships with wealthy financiers and French royalty saw the rise of the structure of our modern day fashion houses.

Charles Frederick Worth - Role Model!


Gold Jimmy Choo

Posted by: Letizia, 0 comments

I think I'm in love with my shoe
I was sure that it felt the same, too
'till it happened to mention
with heartless intention
"I'm dating a gold Jimmy Choo"

by Tamara Mellon

London College of Fashion comes to UAE

Posted by: Letizia, 0 comments

Just what the doctor ordered!
I was in a state of turmoil - utter boredom with the daily humdrum and desperate to get a glimpse into the world of luxury brand management, then lo and behold, I stumble into an article stating that LCF is offering short courses in Dubai (costing an arm and a leg ofcourse - otherwise it just wouldn't be Dubai)!

So I sacrificed my left arm to pay for the course and lost my right arm to intense sketching for a whole morning when Dr Pascal Portanier instructed us to come up with 10 product designs!

WHAAAAAAT? when was the last time I drew anything recognizable??? the answer would be never! But I knuckled down with the enthusiasm of a hopeful novice. And hey! things started to fall into place - from basic shapes to something that actually showed a creative knack and met the approval of the venerable professor!


Funds from Fashion

Posted by: Letizia, 0 comments

We are a team of people who have a passion for fashion and would like to use this platform to gather aid for female run, African businesses that are contributing to the world of fashion and design.

check out and join my team: http://www.kiva.org/team/funds_from_fashion

The Jimmy Choo Story

Posted by: Letizia, 0 comments

I'm only a quarter way through this gem of a book and I'm hooked. An unexpected diversion into the Vidal Sassoon story actually sheds light on how brands are created, sustained and if mismanaged can fall into peril. Then in comes Tamara nee Yeardye with her keen eye for fashion a family with money and connections and a father with a knack for making things happen and voila, Jimmy Choo is no longer a middle class shoemaker, he is a (reluctant) celebrity...

I have to read on to get into this juicy story, but from what I can tell, jealousy, greed and family politics make this story even more compelling. Every time I open my closet I'm definitely going to know the story behind my choo's.

After I finish this I need to get my hands on Diane Von Furstenberg and Coco Chanel's stories for inspiration (I plan on owning a luxury brand very soon!) and for a little bit of drama, the story of Guccio Gucci is said to be quite sordid!

Simpsons meet couture

Posted by: Letizia, 0 comments

It would be great to see the Freej grannies in couture gowns.