
Posted by: Letizia,

I remember promising to go to Karama for some field research on fakes but I still haven't gotten round to it. My Aunt however, gave it 2 goes! Well a lesson is to be learned here...Karma took over Karama. The whole idea behind Karma is "what goes around, comes around" Well it went something like this. A fake Louis Vuitton travel case was purchased and as soon as it got home, caused such severe dissatisfaction that another had to be purchased to pacify the offending object's distaste. The replacement was of better quality and less offensive to the eye but a counterfeit remains a counterfeit and as the say...You buy cheap, You buy twice!

I would still like to go to Karama, despite my research having been done for me already.

So as much as immitation is the most sincere form of flattery, fakes wouldn't be so offensive if they weren't so tarnished in craftsmanship and ethics.